Thursday, 24 April 2014

My it all started

As usual as it is, when every young lady completes senior high school, there is this thirst and yearn to change looks. The main reason for this is yet untold, but there are a few reasons which can be linked to our backgrounds, beliefs, lifestyles, etc.

Well my story is simple. I added chemicals to my hair some few months after I left school but my hair was so thick that it took a second and a third relaxer to have the bone straight hair. My hair looked very pretty and I always had the wow look on my face. After some time I decided to have a perm cut which also looked so gorgeous on me.

I enjoyed this relaxed hair for so many years until somewhere in 2012 when I started having this severe headache. I could not figure out  what the cause was so I just linked it to tiredness and always relied on pain relievers to make me feel better.
Now, came the realization when I was struck with the idea of focusing on the times this headaches came and what I had done prior to it, then the SURPRISE!!.....I could not believe what I noticed....hmmmm.

How could it be? This was my question to myself and I never had the answers I wanted. Then one day I woke up wanting to know more about how chemical relaxers and driers could give me this bad headache that kept recurring anytime I visited the salon.

Are you surprised? I understand because I was too and the thought of being relaxed for so many years got me even more surprised.

Now what was I supposed to do?
I still went on to ask more questions. Friends, family,etc and the quest to know more is what I am today.


I did extensive research on this problem with relaxers and other harsh chemicals and I found out even more than was happening to me and that was when I had to take the bold decision to return to being natural.

Details of my journey so far will be up in my next post.

Just before I close this, I would like to acknowledge a few people who have supported me and still stand by me throughout this journey...
First of all I thank God for my life, the grace and strength given me. My family for their support and encouragement. My friends in the naturalista world and especially Annette Akye ( Naturalistagh) for giving me the final push of starting this blog.

God bless you all....